enquiry@lexaw.com | + 44 (0) 8456 586618
Before-the-Event (BTE) Insurance
What is Before the Event (BTE) Insurance?
BTE insurance is a form of insurance that, like most traditional insurance, is taken out prior to the policyholder being aware of any prospective claim or dispute. Accordingly, unlike ATE insurance, BTE insurance only applies where the policyholder is not aware of any prospective litigation that they may become embroiled in. BTE insurance exists for both commercial and non-commercial clients.
As leaders in the legal expenses insurance market, LEXAW can offer the most comprehensive before the event legal expenses insurance products. Our products include a wide range of motor, family and commercial legal expense policies.
Before-the-Event (BTE) Insurance Products
Commercial Legal Protection
Commercial Legal Protection meets the demands and needs of businesses that wish to ensure that they have access to professional legal advice and representation, and cover the cost of lost wages to attend court or tribunal
Group & Affinity Legal Protection
Group Legal Protection meets the demands and needs of any group, association, club or employer who may wish to provide members or employees with the benefit of legal expenses insurance in respect of future legal disputes
Licence Legal Cover
Licence Legal Cover is designed to help motorists who need to be able to drive, for work or for personal reasons.
Every driver should have proper advice and be in a position to defend themselves, but the legal costs can often be prohibitive for those who would suffer the most from a driving ban. The policy offers legal advice, defence of motor prosecutions, and a fixed monthly benefit in the event that your clients lose their licence.
Family Legal Protection
Family Legal Protection meets the demands and needs of consumers who wish to receive professional legal assistance and advice if they or their family become involved in a future legal dispute.
License Legal Cover policy entitles you to free telephone advice on any motoring matter. Clients don't have to be facing a ban or even accused of an offence.
Should your clients be receive a summons that could result in a driving ban, their policy will cover the cost of legal representation to make sure that their case is properly defended in court.
Motor Assistance
Motor Assistance Legal Protection meets the demands and needs of vehicle owners who may require future assistance to get their vehicle repaired at the roadside, or if this is not possible for it to be recovered to a repairer (or home if nearer), following mechanical breakdown or an accident.
Business Vehicle Legal Protection
A legal dispute can occur without warning costing your clients company both time and money. The Business Vehicle Legal Protection policy will give your clients company the power to protect its legal rights in a wide range of situations likely to be faced by any business operating company vehicles, including Accident Loss Recovery, Personal Injury and Motor Contract Disputes.
Employment Practices Legal Protection
Employment Practices Legal Protection meets the demands and needs of medium sized businesses who aspire to attain best standards of employment practice and procedures and to that end wish to have their employment practices audited. Employment Practices Legal Protection also meets the need of such employers to have access to professional advice and representation, and financial protection for Compensation Awards should they have a dispute with a future, present or past employee.
Key Cover
We can offer your clients a market leading Key Cover insurance policy, which provides cover for lost or stolen keys, replacement locks and any associated call out charges
If you have any opportunities you wish to explore, or would like to discuss the insurance requirements of a particular case or client, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Our Contact Details
West One
114 Wellington Street
+44 (0) 8456 586618